The PURPOSE of the Lay Organization is to organize and train the lay members of the AME Church, so that each member may utilize, to their maximum, the abilities and skills granted by God, in assisting with the improvement and extension of God's kingdom, while creating happiness, peace, and harmony among it's members.
The MISSION of the Lay Organization is to provide training and promote active involvement of the laity in studying the history of African Methodism, the A.M.E. Book of Discipline, Christian Stewardship, Evangelism and Parliamentary Procedures.
Here is the list for the Lay Organization's Early Morning Worship Services for 2024. Make note that some will be in the Zoom Sanctuary and others will meet in person. Breakfast to be served for in person services.
This is our 44th continuous year!
January 28 (Zoom) - Grant Chapel, Wichita, KS
February 25 (Zoom) - Midwest Conference Lay Officers
March 24 (In Person) - NO SERVICE
April 28 (In Person) - Gregg Tabernacle
May 26 (Zoom) - St. Paul, Wichita, KS
June 23 (In Person) - Willis Chapel
August 18 (3rd Sunday because of General Conference - In Person) - Metropolitan AME Zion
September 22 (In Person) - Allen-St John, KCMO
October 27 (In Person) - First
November 24 (Zoom) - Power of Faith
December 22 - NO SERVICE